
Our Ministries


We want church to be a place where your entire family is encouraged to draw closer to Christ–your kids included!

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Kids Ignite

Sparking a Passion for GodLet’s talk about how God can spark something amazing in our hearts—just like when you light a candle and it glows! The word IGNITE helps us remember six ways God works in us: Inspire, Grow, Nurture, Imagine, Trust, and Equip. Let’s look at each one.”

(Grace Youth Ministries)

G.Y.M. is the place for our middle and high school students to connect with God and each other. Services run weekly on Wednesday nights starting at 6:45pm.

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The Gathering

Tuesdays 11 am - 12:30 pmLunch served at 11:45 amThe Gathering, a group for those 55 and older, will begin meeting every Tuesday at 11am. There will be a time of worship, message, fellowship and a meal. Invite your friends and join us on Tuesdays!


DevGru is a men's group that meets weekly on Wednesdays. Worship starts at 6am & Group at 6:30am at Fort Theatre Dentistry. please use the alley entrance.

Freedom Prayer

Freedom Prayer is a personal prayer ministry where individuals can schedule a focused prayer time with members of Grace's Freedom Prayer team. The main goal of this prayer ministry is to allow the Holy Spirit to identify and to address things hindering a deeper personal relationship with God.

Big Igloo Adventures

Big Igloo Adventures is a place for family to grow. Throughout the year BIA sponsors multiple family outings for little to no charge. Come be part of the family.

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